
Apply to Brook Hill International Kindergarten

Home > Admissions


Thank you for your interest in Brook Hill! We understand that selecting the right kindergarten for your child is an extremely important decision. The Admissions Team will serve as a resource for you as you evaluate whether Brook Hill International Kindergarten is a good fit for your family. You can schedule a visit so you can fully grasp the international family atmosphere that we care so much about.

Families are drawn to Brook Hill International Kindergarten for several key reasons. We have small class sizes that are limited to a maximum of fifteen students, fostering wonderful interaction between children and teachers. Parents looking for a place where their children will be loved and challenged rather than getting lost in the crowd will find that at Brook Hill International Kindergarten.

The Application Process


Begin the journey

Start your journey with us by filling out your contact details, as well as your child’s details.


Submit your application

By submitting your application, you are starting  the wonderful process of exploring all the benefits and educational advantages your child will experience with us here!


Schedule an appointment

Our admission’s officer will contact you via phone call or email, in order to schedule a meeting with you.

Brook Hill International Kindergarten is open 12 months a year.

At your appointment with the admission’s officer, do please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport (for students entering transitional kindergarten or kindergarten).

Hello, my name is Jelena Lazarevic, and I am in charge of the admissions process at Brook Hill International School. I am here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have regarding our school. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Brook Hill family.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enroll your child in our kindergarten.

Ensure that they get a complete and fully personalized education that every child deserves.

Visit Us

Brook Hill International Kindergarten is located at Dedinje, an elite area of Belgrade which is surrounded with diplomatic residences, as well as a lot of green parks.

    Detalji o detetu:

    Kontakt informacije:



    Hobiji i ostala interesovanja deteta

    Moje dete (čekirajte kvadratić ako važe sledeće izjave):

    Može da drži olovku / hemijsku / makazeZna da izbroji do 10 (da izgovori)Ima dobru koordinaciju (hodanje, trčanje, skakanje, penjanje)

    Pravilno drži posuđePrijateljski je nastrojeno prema novim ljudima

    Kako ste čuli za nas?

    InstagramFacebook stranicaGoogle pretragaPreporuka prijatelja / roditeljaDrugo

      Child's details:

      Date of birth:




      My Child's Hobbies and Interests

      My Child (tick the box if it appllies):

      Can hold a pencil/pen/scissiorsKnows numbers to 10 (speaking)Has good coordination (walking, running, hopping, climbing)

      Holds utensils properlyIs friendly towards new people

      How did you hear about us?

      InstagramFacebook PageGoogle SearchRecommendation from a Friend/current/previous ParentOther