
Women’s International Day at Brook Hill International Kindergarten

Home >Events >Women’s International Day at Brook Hill International Kindergarten

At Brook Hill International Kindergarten, Women’s Day is one of the many occasions when we show our appreciation to moms. With the help of dedicated teachers, the children made unique greeting cards for their mothers.

Dipping their hands in paint, the children made delightful handprints on paper. The teachers helped the children to write a personalised message for each mother.

Thank you to the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and aunts who make every day even more special.

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    Može da drži olovku / hemijsku / makazeZna da izbroji do 10 (da izgovori)Ima dobru koordinaciju (hodanje, trčanje, skakanje, penjanje)

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      Child's details:

      Date of birth:




      My Child's Hobbies and Interests

      My Child (tick the box if it appllies):

      Can hold a pencil/pen/scissiorsKnows numbers to 10 (speaking)Has good coordination (walking, running, hopping, climbing)

      Holds utensils properlyIs friendly towards new people

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